










  Guangzhou Command Center for COVID-19 Control and PreventionNotification onfurther strengthening our efforts to prevent imported COVID19 cases(No.8)

  Right now, COVID19 outbreak continues to spread in many parts of the world.In order to practically safeguard the safety and health of the public, inaccordance with requirements rolled out by Guangdong Provincial Command Centerfor COVID-19 Control and Prevention, we have decided to strengthen the healthservice and health management for people returning to Guangzhou from overseas.We hereby notify the following matters:

  Starting from 6 am March 27, 2020, all people entering into China fromoverseas (including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, as well as transfer passengers)via ports located in Guangzhou whose final destination is Guangzhou or placesoutside of Guangdong Province will be isolated at quarantine facilities inGuangzhou for medical observation. All of them will receive nucleic acid tests.The cost of accommodation and food at quarantine facilities will be born bythemselves. For those whose final destination is located in other municipalitiesof Guangdong Province, relevant municipalities will provide transfer for thesereturnees. These returnees will receive nucleic tests locally. They will also beisolated at local quarantine facilities for medical observation.

  The expiration date of this notification will be announced at a laterstage. If there are any inconsistencies between this notification and previouslyreleased notifications, this one shall prevail.

  Guangzhou Command Center for COVID-19 Control and Prevention


  Siège de prévention et de contrôle de l’épidémie de COVID-19 de GuangzhouAvis sur le renforcement de la prévention et du contrôle de l'importation del’épidémie de l’étranger(Numéro 8)

  À l'heure actuelle, l’épidémie de COVID-19 se propage à l'étranger. Afin deprotéger efficacement la vie et la santé de ses citoyens, conformément auxexigences provinciales de prévention et de contrôle des épidémies, la ville deGuangzhou renforcera la gestion des services de santé pour les voyageurs enprovenance de l’étranger. À partir de 6 h00 le 27 mars 2020, ceux qui entrentpar le port de Guangzhou (y compris les voyageurs de Hong Kong, Macao et Taiwanet les voyageurs en transit), à la destination de Guangzhou ou en dehors de laprovince du Guangdong, seront tous testés et isolés sur place pour l'observationmédicale. Les frais de logement et de repas sont à la charge des voyageurs. Sila destination est d'autres villes de la province du Guangdong, les voyageursdoivent être accueillis par la ville concernée. Le teste d’acide etl'observation médicale d'isolement centralisé doivent être effectuées à ladestination. La date d'expiration du présent avis sera notifiée séparément. Encas de discordance avec les avis précédents, le présent avis fait foi. Siège deprévention et de contrôle de l’épidémie de COVID-19 de Guangzhou











  광저우시 신종코로나19 예방통제 지휘부

  수입형 전염병 예방통제를 진일보 강화할데 관한 통고


  당전, 수입형 전염병의 확산추세에 비추어, 인민대중의 생명안전과 신체건강 보장을 기하여, 또 광둥성정부의 신종코로나19예방통제지휘부의방역작업 지시에 따라, 광저우시는 입국자 관련 건강서비스관리를 진일보 강화하기로 한다. 이와 관련하여 하기와 같이 통고함.

  2020년3월27일6시부터, 광저우 통상입구를 경유하는 입국자(홍콩,마카오,대만지역 포함, 환승객 포함)는 목적지가 광저우시 혹은광둥성 이외 지역일 경우, 일절 현장에서 집중격리 의학관찰 조치를 실시, 또 일절 핵산검사를 실시, 집중격리기간 식숙비용은 자기비용으로부담한다. 목적지가 광둥성내 기타 지역일 경우, 해당 지역에서 픽업하여 목적지에서 관련 방역요구에 따라 핵산검사 및 집중격리 의학관찰을실시한다.

  본 통고의 만료기한은 별도로 통보함, 기존 발포된 관련 통고내용과 본 통고내용이 다를 경우, 본 통고에 기준한다.

  광저우시 신종코로나19

  예방통제 지휘부


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